伊利诺伊州立法禁止在税收和小费交易方面收取交换费,引发餐馆集团、参议员迪克·杜宾和货币主计长办公室等批评者之间的争端。 Illinois legislates to ban interchange fees on tax and tip transactions, sparking dispute among restaurant groups, Senator Dick Durbin, and critics like the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency.
对伊利诺伊州《禁止交换费用法》的法律争议加剧,餐馆团体对法律提出质疑,迪克·杜宾参议员支持该法。 The legal dispute over Illinois' Interchange Fee Prohibition Act intensifies, with restaurant groups challenging the law and Senator Dick Durbin supporting it. 该法于明年7月生效,禁止银行对税务和小费交易收取交换费。 The Act, effective next July, prohibits banks from charging interchange fees on tax and tip transactions. 批评者,包括货币主计长办公室,认为这可能损害支付制度,给银行造成负担。 Critics, including the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, argue it could harm the payment system and impose burdens on banks. 结果可能影响其他国家类似的立法努力。 The outcome may influence similar legislative efforts in other states.