从 2 月 11 日开始,纽约州企业必须公布信用卡和现金价格,收取的费用不得超过信用卡提供商的费用,并且根据议会法案 2672,每次违规将面临最高 500 美元的罚款。 Starting Feb 11th, NY State businesses must post both credit card & cash prices, charge no more than their credit card provider fees, and face up to $500 fines per violation under Assembly Bill 2672.
从 2 月 11 日开始,纽约州企业将被要求遵循新的准则,向使用信用卡的客户收取额外费用。 Starting February 11th, New York State businesses will be required to follow new guidelines for charging customers additional fees when using credit cards. 议会法案 2672 规定,供应商必须公布消费者选择使用信用卡支付时可能支付的最高价格,以及消费者使用现金、支票或借记卡作为支付方式时提供的价格。 Assembly Bill 2672 mandates that vendors must post the highest price a consumer may pay if they choose to pay with a credit card, as well as the price they offer if a customer uses cash, check, or debit card as a payment method. 企业只能合法地收取低于或等于向信用卡公司支付的金额的附加费。 Businesses can only legally charge a surcharge that is less or equal to the amount they pay the card companies. 他们不能在交易中添加任何他们想要的百分比,并且必须同时显示信用卡和现金价格。 They cannot add any percentage they want to a transaction and must display both the credit card and cash price. 企业发现,向客户收取的费用超过其信用卡提供商向企业收取的金额,每次违规可能会面临最高 500 美元的罚款。 Businesses found charging customers more than the amount charged to the business by its credit card provider could face fines of up to $500 per violation.