韩国作家韩江成为第一个获得诺贝尔文学奖的韩国人。 South Korean author Han Kang became the first South Korean to win the Nobel Prize in Literature.
韩国作家韩江成为第一个获得诺贝尔文学奖的韩国人, South Korean author Han Kang has made history by becoming the first South Korean to win the Nobel Prize in Literature. 她的作品在韩国的读者急忙购买, Her win has sparked a significant surge in interest for her books in South Korea, with readers rushing to purchase them. 这一成就被誉为南朝鲜文学的一个里程碑,加强了南朝鲜的全球承认和文化影响。 This achievement is celebrated as a monumental milestone for South Korean literature, enhancing its global recognition and cultural influence. 汉江即将出版的小说《我们没有参与其中》 将进一步探索国家复杂的历史 Han Kang's upcoming novel, "We Do Not Part," will further explore the country's complex history.