韩国诺贝尔奖获得者韩康的书销售在获奖后猛增1200次。 South Korean Nobel laureate Han Kang's book sales surge 1,200 times after winning the prize.
韩国第一位获诺贝尔文学奖的韩国作家韩江自获奖后在国内售出超过一百万本书籍。 South Korean author Han Kang, the first from her country to win the Nobel Prize for Literature, has sold over one million books domestically since her award announcement. 与上一年相比,她的销售额猛增1 200倍,反映出她的胜利对她作品和整个韩国文学的重大影响。 Her sales surged by 1,200 times compared to the previous year, reflecting the significant impact of her win on both her works and South Korean literature as a whole. Han 以其广受赞誉的小说《素食者》而闻名,该小说展示了她强烈的诗意散文。 Han is renowned for her acclaimed novel "The Vegetarian," showcasing her intense poetic prose.