总理的首席秘书对在清洁印度计划-城市2.0中拖延清理德里垃圾场的情况表示关注, 并敦促加强污染控制和废物管理. PM's Principal Secretary raises concern over delayed clearing of Delhi's landfills under Swachh Bharat Mission-Urban 2.0 and urges stronger pollution control enforcement and better waste management.
P. K... P.K. 印度总理首席秘书米什拉对在2026年完成的"清洁印度计划-城市2"计划中延迟清理德里垃圾场表示关注. Mishra, Principal Secretary to India's PM, expressed concern over delays in clearing Delhi's landfills under the Swachh Bharat Mission-Urban 2.0, originally slated for completion by 2026. 在一次重点讨论空气污染问题的会议上,他敦促加强执行污染控制法和更好的废物管理。 During a meeting focused on air pollution, he urged stronger enforcement of pollution control laws and better waste management. 查明的主要污染源包括建筑灰尘、生物质燃烧和车辆排放,呼吁加强电动车辆推广和绿化举措。 Key pollution sources identified include construction dust, biomass burning, and vehicle emissions, with a call for enhanced electric vehicle promotion and greening initiatives.