Mustang Energy Corp. 收购了萨斯喀彻温省阿萨巴斯卡盆地的 45,585 公顷土地,获得了 Brown Lake 项目 90% 的权益。 Mustang Energy Corp. acquires 45,585 hectares in Saskatchewan's Athabasca Basin, securing a 90% interest in the Brown Lake project.
设在温哥华的野马能源公司扩大了萨斯喀彻温省阿塔巴斯卡盆地的土地拥有量,获得45 585公顷土地,使总面积从10 644公顷增加到56 229公顷。 Mustang Energy Corp., based in Vancouver, has expanded its land holdings in Saskatchewan's Athabasca Basin by acquiring 45,585 hectares, raising its total from 10,644 to 56,229 hectares. 该公司还在布朗湖项目中获得了90%的利息。 The company also secured a 90% interest in the Brown Lake project. 首席执行官Nick Luksha强调,这种扩大加强了野马在一个主要铀生产区的地位,并提供了重要的勘探机会。 CEO Nick Luksha emphasized that this expansion enhances Mustang's position in a leading uranium-producing region and provides significant exploration opportunities.