美国Mustang Energy Corp.通过满足最初的条件,获得了萨斯喀彻温州914W项目75%的股权. Mustang Energy Corp. acquired a 75% interest in the 914W Uranium Project in Saskatchewan by meeting initial terms.
Mustang Energy Corp. 已达到与 Skyharbour Resources Ltd. 协议的第一个里程碑,允许其收购萨斯喀彻温省北部 914W 铀矿项目 75% 的权益。 Mustang Energy Corp. has reached the first milestone in its agreement with Skyharbour Resources Ltd., allowing it to acquire a 75% interest in the 914W Uranium Project in Northern Saskatchewan. 野马向Skyharbour公司支付了15 000美元并发行了93 750股股票。 Mustang paid $15,000 and issued 93,750 shares to Skyharbour. 914W项目覆盖1 260公顷土地,被视为铀和稀土元素勘探的战略地区。 The 914W Project covers 1,260 hectares and is seen as a strategic area for uranium and rare earth element exploration. 进一步的里程碑包括额外支付款项和勘探工作。 Further milestones include additional payments and exploration work.