由于债券期货市场操纵,日本暂停Nomura控股公司1个月的政府债券拍卖。 Japan suspends Nomura Holdings from gov't bond auctions for 1 month due to bond futures market manipulation.
日本财政部已经暂停Nomura控股公司参加政府债券拍卖一个月, 从10月15日开始, 因为该公司承认操纵债券期货市场。 Japan's Ministry of Finance has suspended Nomura Holdings Inc. from participating in government bond auctions for one month, starting October 15, due to the company's admission of manipulating the bond futures market. 包括丰田金融公司在内的其他公司将其债券承保业务从野村拖走,随后又暂停营业。 This suspension follows other firms, including Toyota Finance, pulling their bond underwriting business from Nomura. 这一举动引起了对加重其他投标人负担和市场上潜在的流动性问题的关切。 The move raises concerns about increased burden on other bidders and potential liquidity issues in the market.