在加利福尼亚的Fontana, “高度潜力”的电视犯罪剧引起了人们对城市形象的担忧。 "High Potential" TV crime drama raises concerns in Fontana, California, over its portrayal of the city.
一部名为《高潜力》的新犯罪电视剧在加利福尼亚州丰塔纳引起了人们的关注,因为它对这座城市的描绘让一些居民感到冒犯。 A new TV crime drama titled "High Potential" is raising concerns in Fontana, California, due to its portrayal of the city, which some residents find offensive. 节目的描述可能无法准确地反映社区情况,并可能使负面的陈规定型观念永久化。 The show's depiction may not accurately reflect the community and could perpetuate negative stereotypes. 当地领导人和居民表示不满,敦促创作者考虑他们的言论对公众看法的影响。 Local leaders and residents are voicing their discontent, urging creators to consider the impact of their narratives on public perception.