加州纳税人补贴好莱坞产品 被问及财政责任 California taxpayer subsidies for Hollywood productions questioned for fiscal responsibility.
这篇文章反对加利福尼亚纳税人补贴好莱坞产品, 认为公共资金不应支持一个没有政府援助能蓬勃发展的产业。 The article argues against California taxpayers subsidizing Hollywood productions, suggesting that public funds should not support an industry that can thrive without government assistance. 它强调财政责任的必要性,并质疑利用纳税人的钱为有利可图的部门谋利的公平性。 It emphasizes the need for fiscal responsibility and questions the fairness of using taxpayer money for the benefit of a profitable sector. 这份文件呼吁在持续预算关切的情况下重新评估这种补贴。 The piece calls for reevaluation of such subsidies amid ongoing budget concerns.