2024年,印度总理莫迪于2021年赠予孟加拉国Jeworeshwari Kali寺的王冠被盗。 In 2024, a crown gifted by Indian PM Modi to Bangladesh's Jeshoreshwari Kali Temple in 2021 was stolen.
印度总理纳伦德拉·莫迪于2021年赠送给孟加拉国Jeworeshwari Kali寺的王冠在每日礼拜后不久于2024年10月11日被偷走。 A crown gifted by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to Bangladesh's Jeshoreshwari Kali Temple in 2021 was stolen on October 11, 2024, shortly after daily worship. 印度驻孟加拉国高级专员公署表示关切, 敦促当地当局调查并收回这件具有重大文化和宗教价值的皇冠. The Indian High Commission in Bangladesh expressed concern and urged local authorities to investigate and recover the crown, which holds significant cultural and religious value. 该寺庙被公认为印度教神话中的51个Shakti Peethas之一。 The temple is recognized as one of the 51 Shakti Peethas in Hindu mythology. 正在对闭路电视录像进行审查,以查明小偷的身份。 CCTV footage is being reviewed to identify the thief.