Shiv Sena领袖敦促莫迪总理在暴力中谈论保护孟加拉国印度教徒的问题。 Shiv Sena leader urges PM Modi to speak on protecting Hindus in Bangladesh amid violence.
Shiv Sena领导人Uddhav Thackeray敦促总理Narendra Modi向议会介绍孟加拉国为保护印度教徒所采取的步骤, Shiv Sena leader Uddhav Thackeray has urged Prime Minister Narendra Modi to address Parliament about the steps being taken to protect Hindus in Bangladesh, where they face violent attacks. Thackeray批评BJP利用印度教获得选举成果, 并质疑政府对此议题的沉默。 Thackeray criticized the BJP for using Hindutva for electoral gains and questioned the government's silence on the issue. 他还提到孟加拉国对寺庙的破坏以及向孟买一个80岁的寺庙发出的拆除通知。 He also mentioned the vandalism of temples in Bangladesh and the demolition notice issued to an 80-year-old temple in Mumbai. 人民党的反应是捍卫其对印度教的承诺。 The BJP responded by defending its commitment to Hindutva.