16bn Bay of Lights项目是柬埔寨西哈努克维尔的海滩开发项目,在第21届中国-东盟博览会上展示了100多项伙伴关系协议。 16bn Bay of Lights project, a beachfront development in Sihanoukville, Cambodia, showcased at 21st China-ASEAN Expo with over 100 partnership agreements.
灯湾项目是柬埔寨西哈努克维尔的一个160亿美元的海滩开发项目,在第21次中国-东盟博览会上得到了强调,吸引了220 000多名游客,并达成了100多项伙伴关系协议。 The Bay of Lights project, a $16 billion beachfront development in Sihanoukville, Cambodia, was highlighted at the 21st China-ASEAN Expo, attracting over 220,000 visitors and resulting in over 100 partnership agreements. 其宗旨是建立一个金融和旅游枢纽,由9个以关键部门为重点的地区组成。 Spanning 934 hectares, it aims to establish a financial and tourism hub, featuring nine districts focused on key sectors. 基础设施的改善,包括20亿美元的机场扩建,预计将促进区域经济增长和无障碍环境。 Infrastructure improvements, including a $2 billion airport expansion, are expected to enhance regional economic growth and accessibility.