津巴布韦高等法院驳回了 Sebata Investments 对 Old Mutual Life Assurance 的 495,593 美元欺诈性索赔。 Zimbabwe High Court dismisses Sebata Investments' fraudulent $495,593 claim against Old Mutual Life Assurance.
津巴布韦高等法院驳回了 Sebata Investments 对 Old Mutual Life Assurance 的诉讼,阻止了对声称被劫持货物的 495,593 美元的赔偿。 The Zimbabwe High Court dismissed Sebata Investments' lawsuit against Old Mutual Life Assurance, preventing a $495,593 payout for claimed hijacked goods. Sylvia Chirawo Mugomba法官裁定这一申诉是欺诈性的,指出Sebata企图误导法院。 Judge Sylvia Chirawu Mugomba ruled the claim was fraudulent, noting Sebata attempted to mislead the court. 对第二名被告Minirva风险解决办法的索赔被撤回。 The claim against a second defendant, Minerva Risk Solutions, was withdrawn. 法院命令Sebata支付法律费用,确认该决定,不允许进一步试图继续审理此案。 The court ordered Sebata to cover legal costs, affirming the decision without allowing further attempts to pursue the case.