针对 Makonis 的欺诈案件正在进行中,涉嫌转移财产,给 Gono 的公司造成了 ~ZWL$137M 的损失;和解契约在法庭上被接受,下一次听证会将于 10 月 14 日举行。 Fraud case underway against Makonis for allegedly transferring property, causing ~ZWL$137M loss to Gono's company; settlement deed admitted in court, next hearing on Oct 14.
一起涉及津巴布韦前储备银行行长 Gideon Gono 的公司以及 Clark Clever 和 Beverly Aisha Ndonda Makoni 的欺诈案正在审理中。 A fraud case involving former Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe governor Gideon Gono's company and Clark Clever and Beverly Aisha Ndonda Makoni is underway. Makonis被指控欺诈性地转移他们管理的财产,导致Gono的Galwex投资损失137 736 500 ZWL美元。 The Makonis are accused of fraudulently transferring property managed by them, resulting in a loss of ZWL$137,736,500 for Gono's Galwex Investments. 法院允许提出和解契约,尽管被告方反对。 The court allowed the introduction of a settlement deed, despite the defense's objections. 下一次听讯定于10月14日举行。 The next hearing is scheduled for October 14.