南非宪法法院驳回了前南非广播公司执行官Hlaudi Motsoueneng关于索回非法1 150万兰特费的上诉。 South Africa's Constitutional Court denies former SABC executive Hlaudi Motsoeneng's appeal to reclaim an unlawful R11.5 million fee.
南非宪法法院驳回了前南非广播公司执行官Hlaudi Motsoueneng关于索回2016年判予的非法1 150万兰特“成功费”的上诉。 The Constitutional Court of South Africa has denied former SABC executive Hlaudi Motsoeneng's appeal to reclaim an unlawful R11.5 million "success fee" awarded in 2016. 由于高地法院和最高上诉法院早些时候驳回了这一决定,因此该法院认为这笔支付无效. This follows earlier dismissals from the Supreme Court of Appeal and the Gauteng High Court, which deemed the payment invalid. Motsoueneng必须偿还约1 800万兰特,从养恤金中收回600多万兰特。 Motsoeneng must repay around R18 million, with over R6 million recovered from his pension. 此案突出表明特别调查股正在努力解决公共机构中的腐败问题。 This case highlights ongoing efforts by the Special Investigating Unit to address corruption in public institutions.