10月9日在Rowley Regis因火器、毒品和殴打警察而被捕的20岁男子。 20-year-old man arrested for firearm, drugs, and assaulting officers in Rowley Regis on October 9.
10月9日,西米德兰州Rowley Regis的警察逮捕了一名20岁的男子,因为他逃离了一名以前由警察标记的Audi。 On October 9, police in Rowley Regis, West Midlands, arrested a 20-year-old man after he fled from an Audi previously flagged by officers. 在追击期间,两名军官受轻伤。 During the pursuit, two officers suffered minor injuries. 警察后来在该地区发现了一把手枪、弹药、A级毒品和现金。 Police later discovered a handgun, ammunition, Class A drugs, and cash in the area. 嫌疑人因持有火器、意图供应毒品和袭击军官而面临指控,作为 " 目标行动 " 的一部分,仍被拘押。 The suspect faces charges for possession of a firearm, intent to supply drugs, and assaulting officers, and remains in custody as part of Operation Target.