俄勒冈州的格雷沙姆高中因校园内枪支的未经证实的谣言而被置于“安全”状态。 Gresham High School in Oregon was placed on "Secure" status due to unverified rumors of guns on campus.
俄勒冈州Gresham高中因校区枪械的未经证实的传闻而处于“安全”地位, Gresham High School in Oregon was placed on "Secure" status due to unverified rumors of guns on campus, prompting locked perimeter doors and restricted access. Gresham警方调查了与目前社区谣传有关的指控,没有发现任何威胁。 Gresham Police investigated the claims, which were linked to ongoing community rumors, finding no threats. 该学区强调直接从官方来源获得准确信息的重要性,因为这类社交媒体驱动的事件越来越频繁。 The school district emphasized the importance of obtaining accurate information directly from official sources, as such social media-driven incidents are becoming more frequent.