加利福尼亚州索诺拉和麦克法兰高中因诈骗步枪威胁被关禁闭,这是全国模式的一部分。 Sonora and McFarland High Schools in California placed on lockdown due to hoax rifle threats, part of a nationwide pattern.
加利福尼亚州的索诺拉高中因一名持枪者的恶作剧报告而被短暂封锁。 Sonora High School in California was briefly placed on lockdown due to a hoax report of an individual with a rifle. 这一威胁源自堪萨斯州IP地址,是类似虚假警报的全国性模式的一部分。 The threat, originating from an IP address in Kansas, was part of a nationwide pattern of similar false alarms. 警察在校园里没有发现任何火器或嫌疑人。 Police found no firearms or suspects on campus. 与此同时,麦克法兰高中 也面临一个封锁 与一个非可信的射击威胁。 Meanwhile, McFarland High School also faced a lockdown from a non-credible shooting threat. 地方和联邦机构正在调查这两起事件,确保不存在任何积极的威胁。 Local and federal agencies are investigating both incidents, assuring no active threats exist.