沃思堡警察中士 据称被酒驾杀害的比利·兰道夫的名字被加在城市纪念墙上. Fort Worth Police Sgt. Billy Randolph, killed by a suspected drunk driver, was honored with his name added to the city's memorial wall.
沃思堡警察中士 Fort Worth Police Sgt. 8月,比利·兰道夫在应对一起事故时被一名涉嫌醉酒的司机杀害。 10月9日,比利·兰道夫以他的名字荣耀地被加进该市的警察和消防员纪念碑。 Billy Randolph, who was killed by a suspected drunk driver in August while responding to an accident, was honored with his name added to the city's police and firefighter memorial wall on October 9. Randolph是该部29年老兵和美国空军老兵,也将在奥斯汀和华盛顿特区举行纪念活动。 Randolph, a 29-year veteran of the department and U.S. Air Force veteran, will also be memorialized in Austin and Washington, D.C. 司机Deaujalae Evans被指控犯有酗酒过失杀人罪。 The driver, Deaujalae Evans, has been charged with intoxication manslaughter.