2 名阿拉巴马州惩教人员承认与精神病囚犯因缺乏护理而冻伤死亡有关的指控。 2 Alabama corrections officers plead guilty to charges related to mentally ill inmate's frostbite death due to lack of care.
在阿拉巴马州,两名前狱警将就与一名精神病囚犯死亡有关的指控认罪,该囚犯在羁押期间冻死。 Two former corrections officers in Alabama are set to plead guilty to charges related to the death of a mentally ill inmate who froze to death in their custody. 他们未能提供充分的护理,导致囚犯因体温过低死亡。 They failed to provide adequate care, resulting in the inmate's death from hypothermia. 他们的认罪表明承认了责任,强调迫切需要改进培训和监督,以确保对囚犯,特别是有心理健康问题的囚犯的人道待遇。 Their guilty pleas indicate an admission of responsibility, emphasizing the urgent need for improved training and oversight to ensure humane treatment for inmates, especially those with mental health issues.