27 岁的囚犯胡安·卡洛斯·拉米雷斯·比比亚诺 (Juan Carlos Ramirez Bibiano) 在佐治亚州泰尔费尔州立监狱因中暑死亡,据称原因是狱警的疏忽。 27-year-old inmate Juan Carlos Ramirez Bibiano died from heat exposure at Telfair State Prison in Georgia, allegedly due to officers' negligence.
27 岁的囚犯胡安·卡洛斯·拉米雷斯·比比亚诺 (Juan Carlos Ramirez Bibiano) 在佐治亚州泰尔费尔州立监狱因中暑死亡,据称原因是尽管监狱长下令限制囚犯的户外活动时间,但狱警仍将他留在室外牢房中长达五个小时,没有水、阴凉处或冰块。 27-year-old inmate, Juan Carlos Ramirez Bibiano, died at Telfair State Prison in Georgia from heat exposure, allegedly due to officers leaving him in an outdoor cell for five hours without water, shade, or ice, despite a warden's order to limit inmates' time outdoors. 他的家人宣布对佐治亚州惩教局提起诉讼,声称狱警的疏忽行为导致了他的死亡。 His family announced a lawsuit against the Georgia Department of Corrections, claiming officers' negligent actions led to his death.