美国海军陆战队的Joshua Mast少校在收养争议中继续执勤,因为法律质疑拖延了诉讼程序。 US Marine Maj. Joshua Mast stays on active duty amidst adoption controversy, as legal challenges delay proceedings.
美国海军陆战队的约书亚·马斯特少将将继续执勤,尽管一个军事委员会证实他收养阿富汗战争孤儿的不当行为。 U.S. Marine Maj. Joshua Mast will remain on active duty despite a military board substantiating misconduct related to his adoption of an Afghan war orphan. 小组发现,他的行为是不正确的,但没有证明他有理由离职。 The panel found he acted unbecomingly but did not warrant his separation from the service. 领养仍处在法律的边缘,因为阿富汗儿童的家庭试图扭转领养现象,美国司法部指控Mast误导当局为领养行为辩护。 The adoption remains in legal limbo, as the child's Afghan family seeks to reverse it, and the U.S. Department of Justice alleges Mast misled authorities to justify the adoption. 该案在弗吉尼亚最高法院被搁置。 The case is stalled in the Virginia Supreme Court.