Christopher Meeker上校因违抗命令和与一名士兵有外遇而面临普通军事法庭的起诉。 Col. Christopher Meeker faces a General Court-Martial for disobeying orders and having an affair with an enlisted member.
Christopher Meeker上校曾是Wright-Patterson空军基地的指挥官,他将于2025年6月9日因被控违抗上级军官和与一名士兵上士发生婚外性行为等罪名而面临普通军事法庭的起诉。 Col. Christopher Meeker, formerly in command at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, will face a General Court-Martial on June 9, 2025, for charges including disobeying a superior officer and extramarital sexual conduct with an enlisted staff sergeant. 由于对他的领导失去信心,他于2023年12月被解除了指挥权。 He was relieved of his command in December 2023 due to a loss of confidence in his leadership. 由于可能的证人问题,审判转移到了斯科特空军基地。 The trial was moved to Scott Air Force Base due to potential witness issues.