美国政府考虑拆分谷歌以解决搜索垄断问题,作为反垄断案件的补救措施。 U.S. government considers breaking up Google to address search monopoly as a remedy for antitrust case.
作为正在进行的反垄断案件的一部分,美国政府正在考虑历史性地拆分谷歌,以解决其搜索垄断问题。 The U.S. government is contemplating a historic breakup of Google to address its search monopoly as part of an ongoing antitrust case. 官员们正在考虑各种补救措施,其中可能包括出售谷歌的 Chrome 和 Android 部门。 Officials are considering various remedies, which may include the sale of Google’s Chrome and Android divisions. 这一潜在行动标志着美国在监管大型科技公司和确保数字市场公平竞争方面迈出了重大举措。 This potential action marks a significant move in the U.S. effort to regulate major tech companies and ensure fair competition in the digital marketplace.