密歇根大学校长的住宅在哈马斯袭击周年纪念日遭反以色列的涂鸦破坏。 University of Michigan President's home vandalized with anti-Israel graffiti on Hamas attack anniversary.
在哈马斯攻击以色列一周年之际, 密歇根大学校长圣奥诺(Santa Ono)在西布卢姆菲尔德(West Bloomfield)的家遭到反以色列涂鸦的破坏, On the first anniversary of the Hamas attack on Israel, University of Michigan President Santa Ono’s home in West Bloomfield was vandalized with anti-Israel graffiti, including "intifada" and "coward." 这起事件是在亲巴勒斯坦活动家批评该大学在以色列公司投资之后发生的,该大学在以色列公司的投资很少,不到1 500万美元,占其捐赠总额的0.1%。 This incident followed criticism from pro-Palestinian activists regarding the university's investments in Israeli companies, which the university states are minimal—less than $15 million, under 0.1% of its total endowment. 一名董事会成员谴责破坏行为,认为这是一种反犹行为。 A board member condemned the vandalism as an antisemitic act.