2名领土陆军士兵被绑架,1人在印度阿南特纳格越狱,正在搜查中。 2 Territorial Army soldiers abducted, 1 escapes in Anantnag, India; search underway.
在阿南特纳格、查谟和克什米尔,两名领土陆军士兵在一个森林地区被恐怖分子绑架。 In Anantnag, Jammu and Kashmir, two Territorial Army soldiers were abducted by terrorists in a forest area. 一名士兵设法逃脱,而印度军队和查谟和克什米尔警方已展开搜索行动,以寻找失踪的 jawan。 One soldier managed to escape, while a search operation has been launched by the Indian Army and Jammu and Kashmir Police to find the missing jawan. 这一事件突显了该区域目前面临的安全挑战,此前最近发生了行动,两名恐怖分子在库普瓦拉的一次渗透企图中丧生。 This incident highlights ongoing security challenges in the region, following recent operations where two terrorists were killed during an infiltration attempt in Kupwara.