印度军队在恐怖分子嫌疑分子逃离后在Bandipora、查谟和克什米尔进行搜索。 Indian Army conducts search in Bandipora, Jammu and Kashmir, after suspected terrorists flee.
印度军队在查谟和克什米尔的Bandipora区开始搜查行动,发现Panar地区的可疑动向。 The Indian Army began a search operation in Bandipora district, Jammu and Kashmir, after detecting suspicious movement in the Panar region. 中军部队与恐怖分子嫌犯对峙,他们开枪后逃入丛林。 Troops from the Chinar Corps confronted the suspected terrorists, who opened fire and escaped into the jungle. 随着军队继续调查局势,搜索行动目前正在进行。 The search operation is currently ongoing as the army continues to investigate the situation.