匈牙利经历了橄榄树种植激增,适应了气候变暖。 Hungary experiences a surge in olive tree cultivation, adapting to a warming climate.
匈牙利正在经历橄榄树种植激增,适应气候变暖,使该地区更适合这些传统的南方树木。 Hungary is experiencing a surge in olive tree cultivation, adapting to a warming climate that has made the region more suitable for these traditionally southern trees. 随着南欧面临越来越多的干旱和热浪,像巴拉顿湖附近的Csaba Torok这样的农民成功地种植了橄榄。 As southern Europe faces increasing droughts and heatwaves, farmers like Csaba Torok near Lake Balaton successfully grow olives. 这一转变反映了更广泛的农业变化,西班牙橄榄油价格上涨促使人们对匈牙利不断扩大的橄榄工业感兴趣。 This shift reflects broader agricultural changes, with rising olive oil prices in Spain prompting interest in Hungary's expanding olive industry.