副总统哈里斯认为伊朗是美国的主要对手, 重点是防止伊朗的核能力。 Vice President Harris identifies Iran as the U.S.'s primary adversary, focusing on preventing its nuclear capability.
卡马拉·哈里斯副总统将伊朗描述为美国最重要的对手,强调防止伊朗核能力的重要性。 Vice President Kamala Harris described Iran as the U.S.'s most significant adversary, emphasizing the importance of preventing its nuclear capability. 尽管制裁有所放松,使伊朗获得大量石油收入,但拜登行政当局处理中东冲突升级的能力受到限制。 Despite easing sanctions, which allowed Iran to gain substantial oil revenue, the Biden administration's ability to address the escalating Middle East conflict has been constrained. 哈里斯强调伊朗在支持哈马斯等团体方面的作用,并承认美国-中国关系日益复杂,但没有承诺对台湾问题作出回应。 Harris highlighted Iran's role in supporting groups like Hamas and acknowledged the growing complexity of U.S.-China relations without committing to responses regarding Taiwan.