拜登批评特朗普的伊朗政策,由于伊朗袭击以色列,该政策现在被视为错误的。 Biden criticized Trump's Iran policy, now seen as misguided as Iran attacks Israel.
前总统乔·拜登在 2019 年至 2020 年期间发表的推文批评时任总统特朗普的伊朗政策,现在被视为错误的,因为伊朗袭击了以色列。 Former President Joe Biden's 2019-2020 tweets criticizing then-President Trump's Iran policy are now seen as misguided, as Iran has attacked Israel. 拜登在推文中声称特朗普的政策增加了中东爆发战争的可能性。 Biden's tweets claimed that Trump's policies increased the likelihood of war in the Middle East. 然而,曾担任奥巴马和布什政府国防部长的盖茨此前曾批评过拜登的外交政策决定。 However, Gates, a former Defense Secretary under both Obama and Bush, had previously criticized Biden's foreign policy decisions.