加利福尼亚大学开设气候抗御课程,将气候焦虑转化为集体行动。 University of California introduces Climate Resilience course to transform climate anxiety into collective action.
加利福尼亚大学推出了一个名为“气候抗御能力”的课程,以帮助学生将其对气候变化的焦虑转化为集体行动。 The University of California has introduced a course called Climate Resilience to help students convert their anxiety about climate change into collective action. 课程内容包括气候领导人的讲座,教授抗御能力技能,包括沉思。 The course features lectures from climate leaders and teaches resilience skills, including mindfulness meditation. 与会者报告说,他们感到社区感和增强权能的感觉更加强烈,导致更多人参与环境倡议。 Participants reported feeling a stronger sense of community and empowerment, leading to increased involvement in environmental initiatives. 学到的技术被视为处理压力和促进参与的普遍技能。 Techniques learned are seen as universal skills for managing stress and fostering engagement.