大学通过教授可行的气候变化解决办法,消除学生的气候焦虑。 Universities combat student climate anxiety by teaching actionable climate change solutions.
大学正在通过对气候变化采取务实、面向行动的办法,解决学生的气候焦虑问题。 Universities are addressing students' climate anxiety by teaching practical, action-oriented approaches to climate change. 这些机构旨在赋予学生必要的知识和技能,使其有能力采取有意义的行动,而不仅仅是增加他们的焦虑。 These institutions aim to empower students with the knowledge and skills needed to take meaningful action, rather than just increasing their anxiety. 新方法包括科学事实、实际解决办法和实用经验,以帮助学生有效地理解和解决气候问题。 The new methods include scientific facts, practical solutions, and hands-on experiences to help students understand and tackle climate issues effectively.