由于新南威尔士州警察部队人员短缺,数百名悉尼警察暂停履行非关键职责。 Hundreds of Sydney police suspend non-critical duties due to staff shortages in NSW Police Force.
在悉尼西南部,数百名警官以新南威尔士警察部队长期人员短缺为由,暂停了非关键职务。 In Sydney's south-west, hundreds of police officers have suspended non-critical duties, citing chronic staff shortages in the New South Wales Police Force. 包括Auburn和Bankstown在内的几个指挥部的军官不再参加亲巴勒斯坦的集会或进行各种检查和转移。 Officers from several commands, including Auburn and Bankstown, are no longer attending pro-Palestine rallies or conducting various checks and transfers. 警察协会主席Kevin Morton指出,警察部队正忙于工作过量,而新南威尔士州警察专员Karen Webb则旨在缓解前线的需求。 Police Association President Kevin Morton noted that the force is struggling with overwork, while NSW Police Commissioner Karen Webb aims to alleviate frontline demands.