在卡纳沃州Kanawha县,I-64号公路西行52英里标志处,一辆摩托车坠毁,造成一人死亡,西行道被关闭。 1 a.m. motorcycle crash on I-64 westbound near mile marker 52 in Kanawha County, WV led to one fatality and westbound lane closure.
在西弗吉尼亚州Kanawha县,I-64号公路西行52英里标志附近,因I-64号公路的摩托车坠毁造成一人死亡,西行道被关闭。 1 a.m. motorcycle crash on I-64 westbound near mile marker 52 in Kanawha County, West Virginia led to one fatality and westbound lane closure. Kanawha县治安官办公室正在调查坠机原因,州际交通仍然关闭,以便不断进行调查。 Kanawha County Sheriff's Office is investigating the cause of the crash and interstate remains closed for ongoing investigations. 从邓巴出口到25号公路的交通被转移。 Traffic was diverted off the Dunbar exit onto Route 25.