被拘留的中国犯罪头目佘志江声称自己是中国的间谍,指控通过菲律宾离岸博彩运营商 (POGO) 进行间谍活动。 Detained Chinese crime leader She Zhijiang claims to be a spy for China, alleging espionage through Philippine Offshore Gaming Operators (POGOs).
被拘留的中国犯罪头目Zhijiang声称是中国的间谍,指控她通过菲律宾近海赌博经营者进行间谍活动。 She Zhijiang, a detained Chinese crime leader, claims to be a spy for China, alleging espionage through Philippine Offshore Gaming Operators (POGOs). 他的前狱友王福贵支持这些说法,将中国的情报活动与POGOs和 " 带和道路倡议 " 联系起来。 His former cellmate, Wang Fu Gui, supports these claims, linking Chinese intelligence activities to POGOs and the Belt and Road Initiative. 菲律宾参议院正在调查前市长Alice Guo与中国国家安全的潜在联系, The Philippine Senate is investigating former mayor Alice Guo for potential ties to Chinese state security, amid ongoing concerns about human trafficking and cyber fraud linked to these operations.