欧洲上诉中心在都柏林设立,目的是解决用户与社交媒体公司因违反政策而发生的纠纷。 Appeals Centre Europe (ACE) established in Dublin to resolve user disputes with social media firms over policy violations.
在都柏林设立了欧洲上诉中心,以解决用户与社交媒体公司因违反政策而发生的纠纷。 The Appeals Centre Europe (ACE) has been established in Dublin to address user disputes with social media companies over policy violations. 首次集中在Facebook,TikTok和YouTube, ACE旨在提供一个独立,高效的法律途径替代方案. Initially focusing on Facebook, TikTok, and YouTube, ACE aims to provide an independent, efficient alternative to legal routes. 它由公司的费用和向用户收取的象征性费用(如果他们赢了,可以退还)资助,它将在 90 天内审查案件。 Funded by fees from companies and a nominal charge for users (refundable if they win), it will review cases within 90 days. 然而,平台可以选择退出,而ACE的决定没有约束力。 However, platforms can opt out, and ACE's decisions are not binding.