美国最高法院允许对Meta提出集体诉讼,要求获得赔偿。 US Supreme Court lets class-action lawsuit against Meta over ad reach claims proceed.
美国最高法院拒绝受理Meta Platers的上诉, 允许约300万企业提出集体诉讼。 The US Supreme Court has refused to hear Meta Platforms' appeal, allowing a class-action lawsuit from around 3 million businesses to proceed. 这些企业指责Facebook和Instagram的母公司Meta夸大其广告的潜在影响力, These businesses accuse Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, of overcharging them by inflating the potential reach of their ads. Meta将潜在观众人数高估400%, 重点是社交媒体账户而非实际人口。 The plaintiffs claim Meta overstated the number of potential viewers by up to 400%, focusing on social media accounts rather than actual people. 该案件可能导致重大损害。 The case could result in significant damages.