24岁的Nirex Stanescu因2024年从萨里和牛津郡餐馆的餐馆偷9部电话而被判处8个月的监禁。 24-year-old Nirex Stanescu receives eight-month prison sentence for stealing nine phones from diners in Surrey and Oxfordshire restaurants in 2024.
24岁的Nirex Stanescu因在2024年5月至7月期间从包括萨里和牛津郡在内的几个州餐馆的餐馆偷9部移动电话而被判处8个月监禁。 Nirex Stanescu, 24, has been sentenced to eight months in prison for stealing nine mobile phones from diners in restaurants across several counties, including Surrey and Oxfordshire, between May and July 2024. 她使用分散注意力的技术,把地图放在电话上,以窃取它们,而不被人注意。 She used distraction techniques, placing maps over the phones to steal them unnoticed. 斯坦内斯库于 9 月 25 日被捕,在雷丁地方法院认罪。 Arrested on September 25, Stanescu pleaded guilty at Reading Magistrates' Court. 当局敦促公众保护其物品免受这种机会性盗窃。 Authorities urge the public to safeguard their belongings from such opportunistic thefts.