卧底警察逮捕了23岁的索菲安·哈达尔,因为他在伦敦偷了一部电话;他被监禁11个月。 Undercover police arrested Sofian Hadar, 23, for stealing a phone in London; he received 11 months in prison.
在伦敦牛津马戏团,便衣大都会警察逮捕了23岁的索菲亚·哈达尔,当时他试图从一名游客那里窃取一部移动电话。 In Oxford Circus, London, undercover Metropolitan Police officers arrested 23-year-old Sofian Hadar moments after he attempted to steal a mobile phone from a tourist. 这一事件在视频中捕获,导致Hadar被捕,并在承认盗窃罪后被判处11个月的监禁。 The incident, captured on video, led to Hadar's arrest and an 11-month prison sentence after he pleaded guilty to theft. 被窃的电话被归还给其所有者。 The stolen phone was returned to its owner. 都市警察继续通过有针对性的巡逻和与电话公司的协作打击电话盗窃。 The Metropolitan Police continue to combat phone theft through targeted patrols and collaboration with phone companies.