在新南威尔士州Birubi Beach,7岁女孩被4WD打伤;司机住院检查、警察调查。 7-year-old girl injured by 4WD at Birubi Beach, NSW; driver hospitalized for tests, police investigating.
10月6日,一名7岁女孩在纽卡斯尔以北的比鲁比海滩被一辆四轮驱动汽车击伤。 On October 6, a seven-year-old girl was injured by a four-wheel-drive vehicle at Birubi Beach, north of Newcastle. 12时左右紧急服务反应,女孩因腿部受伤住院。 Emergency services responded around noon, and the girl was hospitalized for leg injuries. 女司机也被带到医院接受强制性检查。 The female driver was also taken to the hospital for mandatory testing. 警方正在调查这起事件 Police are investigating the incident. Birubi Beach是新南威尔士Worimi保护区四轮驾驶的著名入口点。 Birubi Beach is a well-known access point for four-wheel driving in the Worimi Conservation Lands of New South Wales.