2024 年 1 月 27 日,一辆奥迪 RS5 在澳大利亚昆士兰州布赖比岛海滩陷入松软的沙子中。 An Audi RS5 got stuck in soft sand on Bribie Island beach, Queensland, Australia, on 27 Jan 2024.
2024年1月27日,一名奥迪RS5驾驶员试图在澳大利亚昆士兰州布赖比岛海滩上行驶,但被困在柔软的沙子里。 An Audi RS5 driver attempted to drive on Bribie Island beach in Queensland, Australia on January 27, 2024, but got stuck in the soft sand. 该事件的图像在当地的一个脸书群组上分享,显示两名乘客在车辆周围走动,车上积满了沙子。 Images of the incident were shared on a local Facebook group, showing the two occupants walking around the vehicle and sand build-up on the car. 吉普角斗士可能有助于提取 RS5。 A Jeep Gladiator may have helped to extract the RS5. 虽然RS5具有全轮驱动,但它并不是为海滩驾驶而设计的。 Although the RS5 has all-wheel drive, it is not designed for beach driving.