女孩,7岁,在Leeds附近的拳击日四轮自行车失事中 遭受终身伤害 Girl, 7, suffers life-changing injuries in Boxing Day quad bike crash near Leeds.
一名7岁女孩在利兹附近的基普帕克斯(Kippax)一次拳击日四轮自行车失事中受重伤,伤势不断变化。 A seven-year-old girl sustained serious, life-changing injuries in a Boxing Day quad bike crash in Kippax, near Leeds. 那女孩是一名乘客 当四分卫撞到电线杆时 The girl was a passenger when the quad hit a telegraph pole. 一名16岁男孩因危险驾驶被捕,两名成年人在30多岁时面临忽视儿童的指控。 A 16-year-old boy was arrested for dangerous driving, and two adults, in their 30s, faced child neglect charges. 警方在坠机时寻找目击者和四轮自行车的录像。 Police seek witnesses and footage of the quad bike around the time of the crash. 该女童住院治疗其无生命威胁的伤痛。 The girl is hospitalized for treatment of her non-life-threatening injuries.