锡安国家公园 Heaps Canyon 的 40 岁峡谷探险死亡事件,正在调查中。 40-year-old canyoneering fatality in Zion National Park's Heaps Canyon, under investigation.
周六,一名 40 岁的男子在锡安国家公园的 Heaps Canyon 峡谷探险时从 150-200 英尺高处坠落后死亡。 A 40-year-old man died after falling 150-200 feet while canyoneering in Zion National Park's Heaps Canyon on Saturday. 他是四人小组的成员,经过允许的行程。 He was part of a group of four following a permitted itinerary. 急救人员提供医疗援助并空运他,但他在到达医院前已宣布死亡。 Emergency responders provided medical assistance and airlifted him, but he was pronounced dead before reaching the hospital. 该事件正由公园和华盛顿郡治安官办公室调查,标志着自2015年以来,Heaps峡谷第三次死亡。 The incident, under investigation by the park and the Washington County Sheriff's Office, marks the third fatality in Heaps Canyon since 2015.