2 月 10 日,一名 79 岁的缅因州男子从亚利桑那州塞多纳的徒步小径上从 30 至 35 英尺高处坠落身亡;一周内第二起死亡事件。 A 79-year-old Maine man died after a 30-35 ft fall from a Sedona, Arizona hiking trail on Feb 10; the second fatality in a week.
一名来自缅因州的 79 岁男子从亚利桑那州塞多纳的远足小径 30 至 35 英尺处坠落身亡。 A 79-year-old man from Maine passed away after falling 30-35 feet from the hiking trail in Sedona, Arizona. 这起事件发生在2月10日,尽管该男子正在与妻子一起徒步旅行,但他在从陡峭的路堤上摔下来之前,他告诉其他徒步旅行者他很好。 The incident occurred on February 10, and though the man was hiking with his wife, he told other hikers he was fine moments before falling down the steep embankment. 塞多纳一周内发生第二起与徒步旅行相关的死亡事件,当地官员向受影响的家庭表示哀悼。 The second hiking-related fatality in Sedona within a week, local officials have expressed their condolences to the families affected.