泰国财政部提议提高通胀目标, Thailand's Finance Ministry proposes increasing the inflation target to pressure the central bank for a policy rate cut.
泰国财政部主张将明年的通胀目标提高到1.5%-3.5%, 以迫使中央银行削减政策利率。 Thailand's Finance Ministry is advocating for an increase in the country’s inflation target to 1.5%-3.5% for next year, aiming to pressure the central bank into cutting its policy interest rate. 这之后,由于柴油和蔬菜价格上涨,年通货膨胀率在9月份上升至0.61%,尽管仍然低于中央银行的1-3%目标。 This follows a rise in the annual inflation rate to 0.61% in September, driven by higher diesel and vegetable prices, though still below the central bank's 1-3% target. 中央银行可考虑在回应时保守地减少25个基点。 The central bank may consider a conservative 25 basis point reduction in response.