荷兰承诺为无人驾驶飞机方案提供4亿欧元,并向乌克兰提供24架F-16喷气式飞机。 Netherlands commits €400 million for drone program and delivers 24 F-16 jets to Ukraine.
荷兰承诺提供4亿欧元(4.4亿美元),为乌克兰制定一个无人驾驶飞机方案,重点是监视、防御和攻击无人驾驶飞机。 The Netherlands has committed €400 million ($440 million) to develop a drone program for Ukraine, focusing on surveillance, defensive, and attack drones. 据国防部长鲁本·布雷克曼斯在访问基辅时宣布的这一投资, 将在荷兰投入约一半. This investment, announced by Defence Minister Ruben Brekelmans during his visit to Kyiv, will see about half spent in the Netherlands. 此外,荷兰还将向乌克兰运送24架F-16战斗机。 Additionally, the Netherlands will deliver 24 F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine. 总的来说,自俄罗斯入侵以来,它已承诺提供100亿欧元的军事支助,其中40亿欧元已经使用。 Overall, it has pledged €10 billion in military support since Russia's invasion, with €4 billion already utilized.