威斯康星州最高法院将缺席投票投投箱合法化,但有些市镇限制使用,引起人们对选民参与的关切。 Wisconsin Supreme Court legalized absentee ballot drop boxes, but some municipalities limit their use, raising concerns over voter access.
威斯康星州最高法院在7月份将缺席投票箱合法化. Wisconsin's Supreme Court legalized absentee ballot drop boxes in July. Eau Claire为11月选举发布了超过4 000张缺席选票,允许选民通过安全和监督的投放箱返回。 For the November election, Eau Claire has issued over 4,000 absentee ballots, allowing voters to return them via drop boxes, which are secured and monitored. 然而,一些市镇正在限制使用,使人们对选民、特别是残疾人的选民参与表示关切。 However, some municipalities are limiting their use, raising concerns over voter access, particularly for those with disabilities. 倡导者认为投递箱可以提高选举安全性,而批评者则强调全州的应用不一致。 Advocates argue drop boxes enhance election security, while critics highlight the inconsistent application across the state.