BOJ报告说,工资不断上升,导致消费增加,表明利率可能上升。 BOJ reports rising wages boosting consumption, signaling potential interest rate hikes.
日本银行(BOJ)报告说,工资不断上涨正在推动消费,并表明准备对潜在的利率上升做好准备。 The Bank of Japan (BOJ) reports that rising wages are boosting consumption and signaling readiness for potential interest rate hikes. 然而,一些中小型公司为了赢利而挣扎,引起了人们的关注。 However, some small and medium-sized firms struggle with profitability, raising concerns. 10月30日至31日,日本法学家委员会下一次政策会议将审查这些因素,许多经济学家预计到年底利率会上升。 The BOJ's next policy meeting on October 30-31 will review these factors, with many economists expecting a rate increase by year-end. 日本经济在问题2中年增长率为2.9%,但中国和美国需求疲软带来的挑战依然存在。 Japan's economy grew at an annualized 2.9% in Q2, but challenges from weak demand in China and the U.S. remain.