艾伯塔省能源部长Brian Jean对加拿大能源部长关于石油和天然气需求达到顶峰的说法提出异议。 Alberta's Energy Minister Brian Jean disputes Canada's Minister of Energy's claim that oil and gas demand has peaked.
艾伯塔省能源部长布莱恩·让(Brian Jean)质疑加拿大能源部长强纳森·威尔金森(Jonathan Wilkinson)关于石油和天然气需求达到高峰的说法。 Alberta's Energy Minister Brian Jean has challenged Canada’s Minister of Energy, Jonathan Wilkinson, over claims that oil and gas demand has peaked. Jean认为,独立研究驳斥了这些说法,认为这些说法是政治言论。 Jean argues that independent studies refute these assertions, viewing them as political rhetoric. 他鼓励加拿大人寻找事实,强调石油和天然气工业的经济利益,并声称,尽管目前正在讨论气候变化和减少化石燃料消耗问题,但石油和天然气工业仍然至关重要。 He encourages Canadians to seek facts and highlights the economic benefits of the oil and gas industry, asserting that it remains vital despite ongoing discussions about climate change and fossil fuel consumption reduction.